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The difference between packaging engineering and industrial design

Industrial design is a foreign term, literally translated from English Industrial Design. In China, it has been called industrial art design, product modeling design, product design, etc. In recent years, it has been collectively referred to as "industrial design."
In 1980, the International Federation of Industrial Design Associations defined industrial design as: for mass-produced industrial products, by virtue of training, technology, experience and visual perception, products are given materials, structures, shapes, colors, surface processing and decoration. New quality and performance. When industrial designers are required to work on packaging, publicity, market development, etc., and pay their own technical knowledge and experience, it also belongs to the scope of industrial design. The core of industrial design is product design.China Cardboard Tubes Packaging company
Mass-produced industrial products, whether they are daily consumer goods or means of production, belong to the scope of industrial design. Such as: daily-use ceramics, glassware, stationery, furniture; various household appliances; machine tools, medical equipment, computers; bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trains, aircraft, ships; buildings and their interior and exterior decoration.
Industrial design is an inevitable product of industrial modernization and market competition. Its design object is products produced in batches by industrialized methods. Industrial design has a huge impact on modern human life, and at the same time is subject to the realistic level of production and life.
The industrial design process can be divided into the stages of collecting and selecting information, selecting product goals, conceiving product images, formulating research and development plans, and product specific design. Industrial design involves not only a series of traditional disciplines, such as material mechanics, structural mechanics, strength theory, etc., but also many emerging disciplines, such as ergonomics, value engineering, bionics, and design aesthetics. Computer-aided design (CAD) has become the most important means of modern industrial design.
Industrial design should pay attention to the following principles: the principle of creativity; the principle of market demand; the principle of user priority; the principle of corporate goals; the principle of easy grasp; the principle of aesthetics; the principle of protecting the ecological environment.
Industrial designers in industrialized countries such as the United States, Japan, and Germany are not only large in number but also high in level. The design theory and design methods are all advanced in the world, and their industrial development has benefited many parties.
The countermeasures of China's current industrial design are: On the one hand, for those large-scale production enterprises that already have advanced machinery and equipment, and have a high degree of mechanization and automation, adopt advanced design theories and methods as much as possible to develop their products. , Design; on the other hand, strengthen the conventional design and technology transfer of products of small enterprises and township enterprises that are backward in technology and equipment and have a large proportion of manual labor, so that their products have achieved a certain degree of technological progress. Doing so not only meets China's current level of development, but also meets consumer demand at different levels.
Jiang Nanyi
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The packaging project that the landlord refers to should be "packaging design".
Industrial design is 3D design (three-dimensional), and packaging design is 2D design (planar). There is essentially no difference between the two, that is, the tools used are different, and the purpose is to occupy the market by design and win consumers.