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What are the details of the packaging box production

1. The performance of the packaged product

The performance of paper tube packaging products mainly includes shape, strength, weight, structure, value, risk, etc., which are the first issues to be considered in packaging.

1. Product status. There are mainly solid, liquid, gas, mixed, etc., the state is different, the packaging container is also different.

2. The shape of the product. The packaging should be designed according to the shape and characteristics of the product, requiring small size, good fixation, stable storage and standardization.

3. Product strength. For products with low strength and easy damage, the protective performance of the packaging should be fully considered, and there should be obvious signs on the outside of the packaging.

4. Product weight. For heavy-duty products, special attention should be paid to the strength of the packaging to ensure that they will not be damaged in the cycle.

5. Product structure. Different products often have different structures, some are not resistant to pressure, some are afraid of impact and so on. Only by fully understanding the product structure can different products be packaged correctly.

6. Product value. The value of different products varies widely, and products with high value should be given priority.

This product is dangerous. For flammable, explosive, toxic and other dangerous products, in order to ensure safety, the outer packaging should be marked and marked with specific signs.

2. The impact of the environment on the product

In the process of circulation, products will encounter different environments and have different effects on packaging, and corresponding measures should be taken.

1. Weather conditions. There are mainly sunlight, temperature, humidity, rain and snow and air, which have different effects on different products and need to be considered according to different meteorological conditions.

2. Loading and unloading conditions. Manual loading and unloading, mechanical loading and unloading and the number of loading and unloading should be considered.

3. Transportation conditions. During transportation, products will be affected by shock, vibration, etc. Different transportation methods have different effects on packaging. The main consideration should be product fixation and cushioning.

4. Storage conditions. When storing multi-purpose stacking, check its pressure strength when packing. In addition, storage is also divided into indoor storage and outdoor storage. The former should pay attention to moisture-proof, mildew-proof, waterproof, etc.;

3. The choice of packaging method

The choice of packaging method is crucial to the protection of the product. Only by fully understanding the product performance and circulation status, formulating a variety of plans, and conducting economic evaluations, can we find a suitable packaging method.

1. Select the packaging material. According to the performance of the product, select the appropriate packaging material to make the packaging container, and select the appropriate auxiliary packaging material to package the product.

2. Select the packaging method. According to the requirements of product protection strength, choose the appropriate packaging technology and packaging method, which is easy to use, easy to mechanical loading and unloading and transportation.